Accessibility and inclusion Every person accessing our website should have equal access to information and services, regardless of their abilities.
Monash Flood Mapping Project Planning for future floods using the latest computer modelling, current rainfall and land development data, and local knowledge.
Draft Active Reserves Signage and Sponsorship Policy Share your feedback on the Draft Active Reserves Signage and Sponsorship Policy.
Proposed location for public toilets in Glen Waverley North Reserve Have your say on the proposed location of a new accessible standalone public toilet with front screens at Glen Waverley North Reserve.
Brandon Park Reserve pavilion A new single-storey, modular pavilion is coming to Brandon Park Reserve, Glen Waverley.
Soccer pitch realignment at Carlson Reserve We're planning to align the two adjoining pitches to create more opportunities for local clubs to expand and promote soccer in Clayton.
Road safety improvements in View Mount Road, Glen Waverley Have your say on road safety improvements in View Mount Road in Glen Waverley.
Sports grounds floodlighting policy Recreation Services is seeking your club's feedback on the proposed Sports Floodlighting policy.
Early Years Infrastructure Development 2023 - 2025 Building and upgrading kindergarten facilities - ensuring Monash children get the best start in life
Monash playspace upgrades 2025-26 We're planning playspace upgrades at Albany Drive, Gladeswood, Queens Parade and Winbourne Road reserves.
Waverley Rail Trail We are constructing the missing section of the Waverley Rail Trail, between Jordanville and Mount Waverley stations.
Sports Club Framework Refresh Share your thoughts on the refreshed Active Monash Sports Club Framework.
Shape your Monash panel page This page is for members of the Shape Your Monash panel for sharing and discussion.
Waste management and circular economy We want to have conversation with the Monash community about how we manage the future of waste to create a truly circular economy.
Proposed Election Period Policy With local government elections in October 2024, Council is seeking community feedback on a proposed Election Period Policy.
Dog Off-Leash enhancements at Mount Waverley Linear Reserve Have your say on proposed enhancements to the dog-off leash area at Mount Waverley Linear Reserve.
Footpath Trading and Access Policy Have your say on the amended Footpath Trading and Access Policy 2024.
Review of Council’s Leasing and Licencing Policy We are reviewing our Leasing and Licencing Policy and want to hear your feedback to ensure it continues to reflect community expectations.
Street tree management - Barrington Drive, Ashwood Residents in Barrington Drive, Ashwood are invited to let us know what trees they would like to see planted in their street.
Street tree management - Doynton Parade (from Wingate to Genoa) For residents of Doynton Parade in Mount Waverley (from Wingate Avenue to Genoa Court) to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
Street tree management - Doynton Parade (from Blackburn to Wingate) For residents of Doynton Parade in Mount Waverley (from Blackburn Road to Wingate Avenue) to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
Street tree management - Sheringham Drive, Wheelers Hill For residents of Sheringham Drive in Wheelers Hill to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
Street tree management - Northam Street Glen Waverley For residents of Northam Street in Glen Waverley to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
Street tree management - Stanton Court, Glen Waverley For residents of Stanton Court in Glen Waverley to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
Street treet management - View Street, Clayton For residents of View Street in Clayton to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
Street tree managment - Mayfield Drive, Mount Waverley For residents of Mayfield Drive, Mount Waverley to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
Street tree management - Howard Avenue, Clayton For residents of Howard Avenue in Clayton to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
Street tree management - Holmbury Boulevard, Mulgrave For residents of Holmbury Boulevard in Mulgrave to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
Street tree management - Hinkler Road, Glen Waverley For residents of Hinkler Street in Glen Waverley to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
Street treet management - Chivers Avenue, Glen Waverley For residents of Chivers Avenue in Glen Waverley to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
Street tree management - Biscayne Drive, Mount Waverley For residents of Biscayne Drive in Mount Waverley to provide feedback on proposed street tree species.
Street Tree Management - Bishop Street, Oakleigh Supporting residents of Bishop Street in Oakleigh to provide feedback on proposed new street tree species.
New mural at Carlson Reserve We're inviting the community to help us choose the concept design for a vibrant new mural on the hit-up wall at Carlson Reserve, Clayton.
Streetscape upgrades to Bellerive Avenue Retail Centre Improving pedestrian safety and upgrading the appearance and accessibility of this local activity centre.
Bin latch trial We are assessing the outcomes of the bin latch trial and we would appreciate your feedback.
Mount Waverley Reserve Active Recreation Space Have your say on a draft concept plan for an exciting new active recreation space at Mount Waverley Reserve.
Upgrade to Portland Street North Reserve (Mulgrave) playspace Have your say on a new playspace at Portland Street North Reserve, Mulgrave.
Sportsground lighting upgrades at Carlson Reserve We're upgrading the sportsground lighting at Carlson Reserve by installing new lighting poles with smart LED light fittings across the ovals.
Carlson Reserve pavilion upgrade We're demolishing the current pavilion and constructing a modern, modular pavilion designed to meet specific needs.
Monash Cricket Participation Plan We’re developing a Monash Cricket Participation Plan aimed at strategically addressing participation challenges for the sport.
Extreme heat This is a partnership between Monash Council and researchers at University of Melbourne to help communities through issues relating to environmental disasters.
Monash playspace upgrades 2023-24 See which playgrounds will be upgraded in the 2023/24 financial year.
Proposed parking restrictions - Oakleigh Proposed parking restrictions for the residential area nearby Derrimut Gym in Oakleigh.
Playground Strategy Refresh Your feedback will guide Council on the best ways to improve playspaces in Monash.
Monash playspace upgrades 2024-25 Seeking your input on how you would like to see your playspace improved or upgraded
Budget and planning for 2024-25 Each year we prepare an annual budget. To ensure this budget responds to our community, Monash Council is committed to seeking feedback early in the budgeting process.
Have your say on a City of Monash First Nations mural Monash commissioned a First Nations themed mural on a large wall in Oakleigh, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung People.
Future planning of Oakleigh Golf Course Monash City Council is undertaking future planning for Oakleigh Golf Course
Gladeswood Reserve Masterplan Your opportunity to help ensure the masterplan responds to community needs and creates new opportunities for physical activity and social connection.
Ward Avenue Kindergarten We are building a brand new kindergarten facility at Ward Avenue Kindergarten.
Scotchmans Creek Trail to Djerring Trail cycling connection Safer cycling connection from Scotchmans Creek Trail to Djerring Trail
Housing proposal - 65a Power Avenue, Chadstone A housing project is proposed as part of the Victorian government's Big Build program.
2023 Monash Youth Survey Monash Youth Services is recruiting young people aged 10 - 25 to design and deliver the 2023 Youth Survey, as well as analyse the results!
Ashwood Reserve Waverley Hockey 2nd Pitch What do you think about having a second pitch? Please have your say.
Pinewood Child and Family Hub As part of its commitment to improving quality early childhood services, Council constructed a state-of-the-art facility to support children and families in Mt Waverley.
Wellington Child and Family Hub The Wellington Child and Family Hub in Mulgrave was the first integrated hub constructed by Monash.
Oakleigh South Child and Family Hub Monash Council is currently constructing the city's third Child and Family Hub in Oakleigh South
Dorrington Child and Family Hub We are building a new centre with modern facilities and services to meet the needs of children and their families in the local community.
Jack Edwards Reserve - Change to Dog Off-Leash Area Have your say on the proposal to change the premier A-grade turf pitch to be 'dog-free'.
Mount Waverley Activity Centre - Amendment C167 Amendment C167 implements the planning recommendations of the Mount Waverley Activity Centre Structure Plan into the Monash Planning Scheme.
Streetscape upgrades to The Gateway shopping centre Improving pedestrian safety and upgrading the appearance of this busy local activity centre at the intersection of Springvale and Dandenong Roads
Avendon Estate Cypress Replacement Program 2021-2023 Stage 10 Stage 10 is the final stage of the Avendon Estate Cypress Windrow Management Plan adopted in 2012.
Community Engagement Policy We are committed to community engagement and ensuring the Monash community continues to have a say on the things that are important to them.
Portman Street Footpath Enhancements We are planning improvements to Portman Street, between Eaton Mall and Station Street
2023 Annual Business Survey Each year we reach out to our business community to better understand your needs. This year we are offering a prize to three lucky participants.
Monash Public Art Policy & Framework Tell us what you like about public art in Monash and what you would like to see more of. Your feedback will be considered for the Public Art Policy & Framework.
Annual Planning Process - Budget 2023-24 Every year Council creates service plans and budgets to deliver on the Council Plan. Your input is an important part of this process.
Join a Monash Council Advisory Committee Our committees of people with lived experience play a vital role in providing Council with community insights. Nominations are now open.
Scotchmans Creek Trail - shared path upgrade consultation We are planning to upgrade the shared trail between Blackburn Road and Waverley Road, Glen Waverley. Find out more and give us your feedback.
Monash playspace upgrades 2022-23 Council regularly upgrades local playspaces to make them more interesting and fun for local children.
Outdoor Dining and Parklets on Roads Policy Consultation During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, temporary outdoor dining was set up in activity centres.
Proposal to install road humps along Valley Street and Haughton Road We need the support of residents to apply for Black Spot Funding to install road humps along the approach to the bend.
Suburban Rail Loop Find out about the plans for the Suburban Rail Loop in Monash, the stations at Glen Waverley, Clayton and Monash University and Council’s position on what is proposed.
Seniors Exercise Park Feasibility Study Seeking feedback from our community panel on a potential Seniors Exercise Park
Monash Reconciliation Action Plan Consultation The Reconciliation Action Plan includes innovative strategies to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The draft plan was available for public comments before final endorsement.
Arts and Culture in Monash Consultation Share your thoughts on the draft Arts and Culture Strategy 2022-2026
Electronic Attendance of Councillors at Council Meetings Consultation Council is proposing to amend the Governance Rules to permit electronic attendance of Councillors at Council meetings. Have your say on the proposed changes.
Upgrade to Rembrandt Drive Reserve Have your say on a new playspace at Rembrandt Drive Reserve, Wheelers Hill.