Connecting with LGBTIQA+ community
Monash is a diverse community, comprising people from many different cultures, with different beliefs, abilities and identities.
This diversity enriches and improves the Monash community and Council has a commitment to its diverse community to improve wellbeing and participation for all members.
A Healthy and Resilient Monash: Integrated Plan 2017-2021 outlines that Council celebrates its rich cultural, linguistic, religious, age, gender and sexual diversity and works to support lifetime wellbeing, community harmony and opportunities for everyone to be able to participate fully in community life.
The specific inclusion and recognition of Monash's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer/Questioning and Asexual (LGBTIQA+) community is vital for their improved resilience, increased sense of security, better mental health outcomes, greater social cohesion and more accessible health care.
There is limited data on people who identify as LGBTIQA+. The latest Census data does not identify LGBTIQA+ people who are not in a relationship or take into account the spectrum of the LGBTIQA+ community.
In February 2018, Council determined it would consult with the LGBTIQA+ community to determine the priorities, programs and/or activities that Council could progress, with findings to be presented in a report of the consultation. The consultation is being undertaken in August 2018 with a report expected to go to the September 2018 Council meeting.
A Year One Summary was provided at the November 2019 Council Meeting(PDF, 148KB) .