Kindergarten & Childcare FAQs
How do I choose a kindergarten?
It is recommended that parents visit several kindergartens to get information concerning session times, fees and individual enrolment policies before nominating their preferred kindergartens on the application form.
Please be aware, differences in individual kindergartens’ enrolment policies may influence your child’s enrolment.
More information: Monash kindergartens
What is the difference between kindergarten and childcare?
Both services offer an early childhood education program delivered by qualified staff.
Sessional kindergartens only operate a program for their specified times for children aged 3 to 5 years. Please refer to the link to the kindergarten’s own website for their timetable.
Kindergartens and childcare centres both provide children with a broad range of play-based experiences that are responsive to their interests, ideas, strengths and abilities.
Childcare centres operate for the full day for children aged birth to 5 years, which may include a funded kindergarten program during part of the day.
What is preschool?
There is no difference between preschool and kindergarten. It is an alternative name for the same educational 3 and 4-year-old program.
What does it cost to attend kindergarten?
In 2023, free kinder is available for all Victorian three and four-year-old children at participating services in both standalone (sessional) services and long daycare (childcare) settings. More information can be located on the State Government website.
Am I eligible for the Child Care Subsidy?
The Child Care Subsidy from the Federal Government helps cover the cost of childcare. To get the subsidy, you must:
- Care for a child aged 13 or younger who's not attending school, unless an exemption applies
- Use an approved childcare service
- Be responsible for paying the childcare fees
- Meet residency and immunisation requirements
For more information, please visit the Federal Government's Services website.
Does my Concession Card entitle me to any kindergarten benefits?
From 2023, government funding covers the cost of 15 hours of 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten for all Concession Card holders. You may be asked for a deposit to confirm your acceptance of a place, and this will then be refunded to you.
Differing kindergarten policies
Each kindergarten develops their own policies that cover areas of operation. Some areas they may cover are:
- Fees
- Timetables
- Programs
- Taking of photos
- Children’s allergies
Polices are available to view at individual kindergartens.
Is my child ready for kindergarten?
If you have concerns about your child’s kindergarten readiness please speak with your local kindergarten educator or contact the Preschool Field Officer service on 9518 3555 or view information on additional support for your child: Deferring or Delaying.
More information can be obtained from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
Can my child attend kindergarten if they are not toilet trained?
Children cannot be excluded from attending kindergarten because they are not toilet trained. Please speak to the educator at the centre if you have any concerns.
What does it mean if my kindergarten is managed by an Early Years Management Service?
Several kindergartens in Monash are administered by organisations known as Early Years Management Services (EYMS). These organisations are responsible for the overall management of kindergarten services. The major responsibilities include:
- Employing staff
- Compliance with regulatory and funding requirements
- Demonstrating good governance
- Financial management, strategic planning for and implementing key government initiatives
- Contributing to early years planning
There are three Early Years Managers operating in the City of Monash:
Do I need to provide a birth certificate?
A birth certificate is not required when applying to the Central Registration Scheme. The kindergarten will ask for a copy of the certificate on enrolment.
Do I need to provide an immunisation certificate?
An immunisation certificate is not required when applying to the Central Registration Scheme. The kindergarten will ask for a copy of the certificate on enrolment.
Maternal and Child Health Centre check reminder
It is recommended that your child attend a Maternal & Child Health Centre for health, developmental and vision screening at 3½ years of age. For more information, visit Maternal Health.
Primary school enrolment
In most cases, you will be able to enrol your child into the government primary school nearest to where you live.
But some primary schools need to restrict their enrolments, and the number of students they can take, to a particular area or zone around the school. This means that certain schools can only take students from a specific neighbourhood area. These enrolment restrictions are sometimes referred to as residential boundaries, school zones, enrolment ceilings or enrolment caps.
Your permanent residential address will determine what school your child is eligible to enrol in.
You should ask the primary school you are interested in whether they have any residential boundaries restricting their enrolments and, if so, the extent of the school’s neighbourhood area.
There are usually no waiting lists for government schools but this may not apply to Catholic and private schools, you will need to check with your local school.
For further information, please contact:
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development website or call the department on 8392 9333.
Useful phone numbers and websites