Deferring or Delaying Kindergarten

Deferring Kindergarten

State Government policy states a child is entitled to funding for one year of a 4-year-old kindergarten experience. When applying for kindergarten, parents need to carefully consider the age of their child and whether they will be ready for the demands of kindergarten. Your local kindergarten educator is available to discuss these matters.

Under current funding, children who are deferred, after discussion between parent and educator, must be withdrawn from the program before the Government Data Collection counts the child as attending for the year.

This allows access to a funded kindergarten position the following year. 

The same criterion operates for 3-year-old kindergarten places.

Delaying Kindergarten

There is no advantage in gaining a place by enrolling a child in the correct year with the intention of not starting until the following year. Your child will be placed onto the following year’s waiting list with the original application date.

Parents sometimes choose to delay kindergarten entry for younger children. This also delays the entry to school. Information on school entry can be downloaded from the State Government's education website.

For queries related to kindergarten central enrolment, please contact the Kindergarten Support Officer on 9518 3571 or email