Kindergarten Allocations and Offers

Kindergarten Allocation/Offer Process

Kindergartens operating from Council buildings are required to give preference to children of Monash residents and ratepayers when allocating places.

Waiting lists for first allocation in the following year close on 30 June. Places are offered through the City of Monash Central Enrolment Scheme in mid-July.

To view the enrolment process, please see Kindergarten Enrolments.

Availability of places in individual kindergartens is determined by the number of sessions, policies and places offered. This is decided each year by the kindergarten’s Committee of Management, which is made up of parents and other volunteers who may be responsible for managing kinders.

Places of offer will continually be made until kindergartens are full and/or all children on the list have been offered a place.

Once offers have been accepted via the Central Enrolment Scheme, lists will be sent to individual kindergartens and staff will contact families to complete the enrolment process.

There is no guarantee children registered on the Central Enrolment Register will receive a place in the nominated kindergarten or in any kindergarten in the municipality. Enrolment in a 3-year-old kindergarten program does not guarantee a place in the 4-year-old program as each year’s waiting list is processed and allocated separately. Children can be enrolled for 3 and 4-year-old kindergartens on the same form.

If you would like more information on the enrolment procedure, please contact the Kindergarten Support Officer on 9518 3571 or email

Priority of Access Criteria

In instances where more eligible children apply for a place at a kindergarten service than there are places available, services must:

  • Work with other local kindergarten services and the regional Department of Education and Training (DET) office to ensure all eligible children have access to a kindergarten place
  • Prioritise high-priority children. These include:
    • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children
    •  Children at risk of abuse or neglect, including children in out-of-home care
    • Asylum seeker and refugee children
    • Children eligible for the kindergarten fee subsidy
    • Children with additional needs: those who need extra assistance in order to fully participate in the kindergarten program, require a combination of services which are individually planned, or have an identified specific disability or developmental delay

For more information, please see Kindergarten Priority of Access Criteria(PDF, 98KB)

Additional priority access questions set by Monash kindergartens:

  • Does the child reside in City of Monash?
  • Does the child have a sibling that attended the same kindergarten in the past 3 years?
  • What is the proximity of the child’s residence to kindergarten in a straight line? 

Change of Kindergarten Preference

The online system has replaced the paper-based registration process. Families are able to enrol, pay the administration fee and view their application details from home at any time. You can login to update your details and change your kindergarten preference at any time.

If a parent requests a change of preference before 30 June in the year prior to when their child is expected to attend, the original application date received will remain the same.

Confirmation of Kindergarten Enrolment

If you have not received a letter or email acknowledging receipt of your application/alteration within 3 weeks of lodgement, please contact the Kindergarten Support Officer on 9518 3571.