Secondary School Immunisation Program

High school students

Monash Council visits secondary schools throughout the year to immunise year 7 and 10 school students as part of the National Immunisation Program Schedule.

The Secondary School Immunisation Program offers free vaccines for the following diseases to all students:

Year 7 (12-13 years)

Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • 1 dose.
  • Children with a weakened immune system may still require a second or third dose.
  • If missed, a catch-up dose is available for people up to (and including) 25 years of age.
Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) - DTP
  • 1 booster dose.

Year 10 (14-16 years)

Meningococcal ACWY
  • 1 booster dose.


Pictorial: Secondary School Immunisation Program(PDF, 2MB)

How does my child access the school immunisation program?

To access the school immunisation program, you must provide consent for your child to receive vaccinations.

Before the immunisation session, your child's secondary school will send you a unique link and QR codeUse this link to create an account on our immunisation platform Vitavo and provide digital consent.

You will also receive information about the vaccines and any potential side effects.

Vaccinations will not be given to a child unless online consent is completed. 

Parents/guardians can withdraw consent at any time before the vaccination.

If you have any questions, contact our immunisation team via email or phone 9518 3534. 

Why immunise?

Immunisation is a very important, proven and safe way to provide protection against serious diseases. It also protects those who may be unable to receive immunisation themselves.

Monash Council visits secondary schools throughout the year to immunise Year 7 and Year 10 school students as part of the National Immunisation Program Schedule (NIP).

Non-Medicare card holders are eligible for these free vaccines.

How will the vaccine be administered?

Nurses inject the vaccines into the muscle of the upper part of your child’s arm (deltoid).

What if my child misses their school vaccine?

If your child is absent or did not receive the vaccination/s, our booking platform will send you an email with options to book at one of our council community sessions.

Vaccines are also available from GPs and other immunisation providers.

More information

For more information about secondary school immunisations, visit the Better Health website.