Multicultural Champion


This award recognises outstanding achievement by an individual, organisation, service provider or business in the area of multiculturalism within Monash.

This achievement may have involved actively supporting cultural diversity by:

  • Actively supporting cultural diversity
  • Promoting harmony
  • Respect of difference and inclusion
  • Building bridges between and within communities

This category welcomes nominations for people who have:

  • Made a substantial or ongoing contribution towards promoting the well-being of Monash's multicultural communities
  • Shown involvement on a personal level or as part of an organisation in activities that promote cultural diversity, harmony and good community relations
  • Fostered understanding of the changing needs of multicultural communities over time
  • Advocated for multicultural groups in the wider community
  • Implemented policies and programs which take into account the needs of Monash’s multicultural and religiously diverse community
  • Implemented policies and practices that establish a culturally competent workforce
  • Demonstrated support for a culturally diverse employee base
  • Provided ongoing training for mentoring staff regarding cultural diversity

For assistance completing a nomination, to receive a hard copy or a translated form, call 9518 3619.

Download: Multicultural Champion Criteria and Guidelines(PDF, 735KB)

Nominations closed on Wednesday 5 June 2024.

More information

Cultural Diversity Community Development Officer
Kate Wijeyesinghe (she/her)
Phone: 9518 3241