Active Monash


This award recognises the work of individuals in sports clubs or groups in Monash and falls under Council's ACTIVE MONASH branding, which encompasses Council's recreation, health and fitness services and programs.

Nominations for the Active Monash award should demonstrate a strong alignment to the Active Monash Vision: Participate Your Way. Please refer to the attachment below for more information.

This category recognises the following:

  • Years of service with a club/group
  • Level of commitment to the club/group
  • Where inclusive and innovative club activities catering to different sections of the community have been encouraged (for example, youth, senior, disabled, cultural activities)
  • Commitment to sustainable participation and being open to the broader community to participate
  • Nominee acts and conducts themselves in a way that aligns with key elements that underpin the Active Monash Vision

All applications will be assessed against the relevant nomination criteria and consideration will be given to alignment with Council’s policy ambitions of redressing historical imbalances in public space.

Download:  Active Monash Criteria and Guidelines(PDF, 630KB)

Nominations closed on Wednesday 5 June 2024.

For more information:

Maria Tenenwurcel - Sports Club Liaison Officer 
Phone: 9518 3583 