Community Groups and Non-Profit Organisations

In Victoria, food safety requirements are based on the type of food you sell. Even community groups having food fundraisers have obligations to keep food safe.

Community groups need to know their food premises classification under Victoria's Food Act 1984, and the obligations that go with that classification. Depending on the situation, you will need to register with, or notify Council of, your food fundraiser.

For more information, see the Department of Health website: Community group food fundraisers.

There are other requirements for community groups that want to operate a home-based food business or a temporary or mobile food premises. Please see Home-Based Food Business and Temporary and Mobile Food Premises for more information.

It is recommended that all food handlers, including those preparing food for a community group or non-profit organisation complete the Department of Health free online training program available at: DoFoodSafely.


Class 2

  • These are food businesses that handle any unpackaged, potentially hazardous foods.
  • These community groups must register with Council and have a Food Safety Program.
  • If you are a community group and planning to run food-related activities for more than two days, you will require a Food Safety Supervisor. For more information, please see Food Safety Supervisor requirements.
  • For more information and to download a Food Safety Program for community group temporary and mobile food premises, please see Fundraisers class 2.

Class 3

  • These are premises handling unpackaged low-risk foods or that sell potentially hazardous pre-packaged foods, or the warehousing or distribution of pre-packaged foods, and the sale of eggs.
  • It also covers the sale of ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food by a community group if all of the food is cooked on site and served immediately, when the majority of people involved in the handling of the food are volunteers, and when the activity takes place for a maximum of two consecutive days.
  • These community groups must register with Council and keep a Minimum Records Sheet. For more information, please refer to the Food Safety Guide for Community Groups - Class 3(PDF, 4MB)

Class 4

  • These are community groups selling low-risk, pre-packaged foods where the event/activity can run for no more than two days at a time.  
  • Community groups operating a sausage sizzle (sausage, sauce, onion and bread only), or are selling tea, coffee, biscuits, pre-packaged or covered cakes (without cream) fall within this classification.
  • Class 4 community groups are not required to register with Council, but must complete notification via the Streatrader website for a temporary event.
  • For a class 4 cake stall, see Food fundraisers class 4 - cake stalls
  • For a Class 4 sausage sizzle, see Food fundraisers class 4 – sausage sizzles

For enquiries about the risk classification of a community group, contact Council’s Public Health Unit on 9518 3555.

Street Stalls

Council offers a street stall permit for non-profit purposes.

To apply to conduct a street stall, fill in and return the following form:

Application to Conduct a Street Stall(PDF, 361KB)

Permits will only be issued:

  • To non-profit community groups situated in the City of Monash, including churches, sporting clubs, schools, kindergartens and neighbourhood community houses
  • Where no detrimental impact will be caused to nearby businesses
  • Only in a designated Trading Zone and in accordance with Council’s Footpath Trading Policy

For more information, please call Council’s Community Laws Unit on 9518 3555.