Buying or Selling an Existing Food Business

STEP 1 (Optional): Prior to buying or selling an existing food premises, Monash Council advises you to organise an inspection of the premises under the Food Act 1984. An inspection of food premises must be arranged by the current food business proprietor.

STEP 2: Before settlement occurs, the purchaser is required to complete an Application to Register the food premises.


To arrange an inspection of food premises prior to selling, the current business proprietor must lodge and apply online for the inspection and pay the relevant fees.

The applicable fees include the inspection and a report that will be provided within the nominated timeframes:

  • $265.10 for a report to be completed in 10 Business days
  • $368.60 for a report to be completed in 5 Business days

Apply for Inspection

The current business proprietor is able to provide this report to anyone seeking a copy of the report.

Before settlement occurs, the purchaser is required to complete an Application to Register the food premises (see below).

Application to Register

Council now offers a streamlined online single application and specialist customer service through a Business Application Officer to help you upfront and throughout your permit process (checklists and tools to guide you through assessing and applying for the right permits). Visit: Starting or Buying a Business - Business Application

For more information on the requirements for different food business classes, please read Food Business Classifications

Making an alteration to your food premises?

Food Premises Design & Fit out Guidelines(PDF, 3MB) have been developed to help in altering a food premises, in line with the Food Standards Code. 

If you decide to undertake any works, it is highly recommended you submit copies of plans to Council's Public Health Unit for approval prior to starting. Plans can be attached to your online application. If plans are not submitted, any works undertaken must comply with the Food Standards Code and is the responsibility of the business proprietor.

For more information on alterations being made to a premises, please contact Council on 9518 3555.