Monash Economic Profile

The Glen corporate

Located just 20km southeast of Melbourne’s CBD, the City of Monash has Melbourne’s largest concentration of jobs outside the CBD and is well positioned to grow jobs close to where people live. With an estimated population of almost 195,000 residents, over 24,000 local businesses provide almost 128,000 jobs.

The GRP for Monash for 2022 (NIEIR) was $18 billion with Health Care and Social Assistance being the largest industry by employment.

Monash is home to the main campus of Monash University,  Australia’s largest university in terms of student numbers, and the Australian Government’s premier research organisation, CSIRO. It is also home to the only Australian Synchrotron and the Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication, the Monash Medical Centre hub, and Australia’s first dedicated cardiac hospital, the Victorian Heart Hospital.

Being located among a dynamic and respected business community serviced by world-class research facilities, Monash earns its name as ‘First for Business’. 

Investment enquiries should be directed to the Economic Development Unit at or phone 9518 3555.

Monash demographic information

The latest Census data 2021 is available online:

Monash economic profile

Monash population forecasts