EvolvePlus - being able to monitor people movement

Published on 19 August 2021

Trevor Dykstra from EvolvePlus

Being able to monitor people movement is essential when planning and designing new community facilities and public venues, upgrading existing infrastructure, or even understanding retail foot traffic to drive higher sales.

That's where IoT’s (Internet of Things) company, EvolvePlus, comes in. Founded in 2011, the team of Trevor Dykstra, Tony Di Giulio and Byron Smith cleverly recognised the need for a set of tools to help organisations such as councils, public libraries, art galleries, shopping centres or retail stores easily analyse the number of visitors accessing their facilities by hour, day, month and year.

The trio first worked together more than 10 years ago for a library software company and after going their separate ways, reconnected and decided to start a new company around some of the technology ideas they'd each discovered on their respective journeys.

One of the first things they needed was a space to focus and flesh out their plans, and a community with connections to public facilities and organisations.

After a brief stay with an incubator in Scoresby, Trevor came across Eastern Innovation in the City of Monash online. The space proved to be the perfect home for EvolvePlus as it not only allowed them to scale from a virtual office setup to a larger office space, but the location is also central for all partners.

Choosing to make their home within the Monash start-up community also brings a number of other advantages - first and foremost is working in an environment with other “forward-leaning” companies that are facing similar challenges and opportunities. It’s a supportive ecosystem that allows ventures like EvolvePlus to find the solutions and support to keep their business growing at a pace that is right for them.

Business is full steam ahead for EvolvePlus since moving to the Eastern Innovation Business Centre. They have recruited another team member, upgraded to a larger office to accommodate their growth, increased client revenues and expanded their product portfolio.

For more information, visit www.evolveplus.com.au

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