ATO Masterclass Claiming deductions for your home-based business
Next date: Wednesday, 21 May 2025 | 12:00 PM
to 01:00 PM
We've partnered with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to provide a FREE masterclass for small business owners on tax deductions. The course covers immediate, long-term, and non-deductible expenses, including motor vehicle deductions.
Masterclass details
Date: Wednesday, 21 May 2025
Time: 12pm - 1pm
Location: Online webinar
Cost: FREE
Booking link to come
About this masterclass
Small business can claim tax deductions for most business expenses. This course covers expenses you can deduct immediately, expenses you can deduct over time and expenses you can never deduct. Motor vehicle deductions are also covered in this course.
Topics for discussion may include:
- the rules for valid business deductions
- the 3 main groups of expenses:
- expenses you can never deduct
- expenses you deduct immediately
- expenses you deduct over time.
- claiming motor vehicle deductions based on your business structure, vehicle type and private use.
Sign up for more sessions in the ATO Masterclass series.
Access resources and business connections
Held throughout the year, the ATO Masterclass series isn't just about learning; it's about sharing industry knowledge and support. Connect with fellow business owners, exchange ideas, and gain valuable insights from others in your industry.
Plus, discover additional online courses designed to further support your small business journey.
Whether it's claiming small business tax deductions, or claiming deductions for your home-based business, there are resources to help your business thrive.
Before the session
Hosted by the ATO, this session covers material from their online course:
To make the most of this masterclass, we recommend completing this course before your session.
Wednesday, 21 May 2025 | 12:00 PM
- 01:00 PM
Online webinar