No longer on display. Expired on
31 August 2022, 05:00 PM
MONASH CITY COUNCIL (“Council”) gives notice under Section 115 (4) of the Local Government Act 2020 (“the Act”) of its intention to grant a lease on the following terms and conditions to the Australian Tower Network Pty Limited for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a telecommunications network at Batesford Reserve, 94 Batesford Road, Chadstone.
See the proposed area below:

Principal terms of the proposed Lease:
- Rent: $22,000 per annum plus GST
- Term: 20 years
- Rent Reviews: Annually by 2%
- Permitted Use: The purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a telecommunications network
- Outgoings: The Lessee will be responsible for maintenance, services and outgoings relating to the Premises.
In accordance with the Monash Community Engagement Policy (“the Policy”) as required by Section 115 (4) of the Act, a person may make a submission on the proposal. Pursuant to the Policy, any person wishing to make a submission must do so in writing so that the submission is received no later than 5pm on 31 August 2022.
A person making a submission is entitled to request in the submission that they wish to appear in person, or to be represented by a person specified in the submission, to be heard in support of the submission before Council (or a committee established by Council for this purpose). If a person wishes to be heard in support of their submission, they must include this request to be heard in their written submission.
All submissions must quote Reference F17-10220 and be mailed to:
Director City Development, Monash City Council
and sent by post to: PO Box 1, Glen Waverley, Vic, 3150
or emailed to
In accordance with the Policy, hearings will take place at a meeting of the Council or its committee at 6.30pm on 13 September 2022, at the Monash Civic Centre, 293 Springvale Road Glen Waverley.
Any person making a written submission in accordance with the Policy is advised that all submissions and personal information in the submission will be handled by Council in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
Following consideration of submissions, Council will decide whether to lease the Premises.
Enquiries to: Mark Gibson, Manager Property and City Design, 9518 3025 or email
Chief Executive Officer