Community Strengthening

Our purpose: We implement collaborative and integrated actions to improve community connection, social equity, economic development, diversity, respect and inclusion.

Community Strengthening builds community capacity through community partnerships, planning and development initiatives, enabling Council and community partners to make informed, effective decisions. The team implements collaborative and integrated actions to improve community development and capacity building, economic development, gender equality, diversity, safety, respect and inclusion. 

This is achieved through the provision of Council’s State legislated Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, implementation of the Gender Equality Act 2020, and associated policies and programs.

The Community Strengthening Team is responsible for the following areas:

Community Partnerships & Health Promotion:

  • Monash Community Grants Program (MCGP)
  • Health Promotion
  • Social Policy and Advocacy
  • Access and Inclusion
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Volunteering
  • Community Partnerships


Neighbourhoods and Place Making:

  • Place Making
  • Community Safety
  • Community and social infrastructure projects and planning
  • Delivery of Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan
  • Building community capacity within local areas


Economic Development:

  • Enabling business capacity building and resilience
  • Encouraging further growth in Activity Centres
  • Fostering future jobs and skilled workers
  • Advocating to encourage ongoing infrastructure development and investment
  • Driving the delivery of the Economic Development Strategy.


Gender Diversity & Equity:

  • Gender Equity and leading Council’s Gender Impact Assessments as part of the Gender Equality Act 2020.
  • Whole-of-council approach to prevent family violence and all forms of violence against women.
  • LGBTIQA+ inclusion through the LGBTIQA+ Action Plan & the Rainbow Tick Plan.


Our teams

  • Community Partnerships and Health Promotion
  • Neighbourhoods and Place Making
  • Economic Development
  • Gender Diversity and Equity