What We Do

Engineers working on site

Australia has three levels of government: local, state and federal (or Commonwealth). Councils form part of the first category.

As a local government organisation, Monash Council provides a broad range of infrastructure, economic and community services to residents. It also ensures peace and order are maintained while managing the municipality's resources and facilities. Our services can be grouped into a number of broad categories:

  • General public services, including works and services, emergency services, animal control, plant control, waste management and litter control
  • Health, education, welfare and community services including services for children, families and older people
  • Planning and building services including building control
  • Property services, including stormwater drainage and street maintenance and cleaning
  • Recreational and cultural services including sport, recreation, leisure and arts facilities, parks, gardens and reserves, libraries and museums
  • Roads including bridges, footpaths, bicycle paths and nature strips, traffic control and lighting
  • Any other function relating to the peace, order and good government of the municipal district including parking, transport, tourism, encouragement of commerce and industry, and encouragement of employment opportunities. Council also has the responsibility of implementing some of the diverse programs, policies and regulations set by State and Federal governments.

Council Values

Monash Council:

  • Promotes and fosters a strong sense of community
  • Consults regularly with residents, ratepayers and stakeholders
  • Ensures economic, social and environmental sustainability
  • Is open and transparent through accountable leadership and integrity
  • Delivers services efficiently, effectively and equitably
  • Supports the cultural and diverse needs of the community
  • Values the work of volunteers
  • Supports Council staff and recognises their vital contribution
  • Promotes equal opportunity in employment, in the use of Council services and the allocation of resources