Use Snap Send Solve to report an issue

Published on 04 September 2018


Did you know that you can report issues and provide feedback to Council in under 30 seconds with Snap Send Solve?

What is Snap Send Solve?

Snap Send Solve is a free app for your iPhone or Android device that lets you report issues and provide feedback to your local council in under 30 seconds Australia wide.

How Snap Send Solve Works

Snap Send Solve determines your council using your smartphone’s GPS location.

Once your GPS location has been determined the server sends back all relevant council details, including contact information, location, and email contact.

You can use Snap Send Solve to report on issues such as:

  • Animals
  • Cycling related issues
  • Damaged road/pavement
  • Fire
  • Graffiti
  • Hard waste
  • Litter
  • Noise
  • Parking
  • Smoky/noisy vehicles
  • Street cleaning
  • Trees.

All reports from Snap Send Solve are sent from the app using your email address so that the City can communicate directly with you to fix the issue.

What happens when you send a report?

All reports from Snap Send Solve are sent from the app using your email address.

Reports are received via email, registered into our system and followed up by relevant staff.

Watch the video below to find out more.

Snap Send Solve from Snap Send Solve on Vimeo.

Download the apps now on Apple and Android.