Syndal Valves Upgrade (Melbourne Water Project)
Published on 20 May 2020
Works will start soon on two major water mains in Syndal.
Melbourne Water has engaged Aqua Metro Services (AMS) to undertake the works, starting Monday 1 June, to install two new valves to control to flow of water at these mains, located underneath its pipe track near High Street and Blackburn Roads.
These essential works will help Melbourne Water’s operations team to regulate the flow of water at these mains when needed and make sure a reliable and secure water supply is maintained for the community.
The works are expected to take 8-10 weeks (weather permitting) and take place between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday. Residents and businesses in the area will be advised in advance if works are necessary outside of these hours.
There will be no interruptions to sewerage or water services during the works.
Melbourne Water and council advises people to take care when walking through the Latham Court Reserve and around local streets where there will be an increase in construction vehicle movements and to keep dogs on a leash at all times for their safety.
What to expect during the works:
- Noise from trucks and other vehicles, reversing beepers, machinery and other equipment
- Construction vehicle movements in Latham Court for access to the works zone. Detour arrangements, signage and traffic controllers will be in place to assist and ensure motorists and pedestrians are able to safely navigate around the work areas
- Temporary closure to pedestrian access through a small section of the reserve around the works zone
- Removal of two non-native trees (Desert Ash) and one native tree (Paperbark), and some pruning to surrounding vegetation to enable access for vehicles and machinery. After the works have been completed, Melbourne Water will replace the trees that were removed by replanting native trees in the local area.
For more information: 1800 960 977 or email