Support for LGBTIQA+ community
Published on 18 December 2020
Council will establish an LGBTIQA+ advisory committee and action plan.
Council will also display the rainbow flag at the Civic Centre and at a number of locations across Monash on LGBTIQA+ awareness days. These include the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia, Wear It Purple Day, World AIDS Day, Bi Visibility Day, and Intersex Awareness Day.
At its December 2020 meeting Council also resolved to work towards the Rainbow Tick accreditation. The Rainbow Tick is a quality framework for accreditation developed by Rainbow Health Victoria, recognising organisations that offer safe, inclusive and affirming services and are employers for the LGBTIQA+ community.
Monash Mayor Brian Little said these actions supported Council’s Healthy and Resilient Monash: Integrated Plan 2017-2021 recognising Monash’s rich cultural, linguistic, religious, age, gender and sexual diversity.
“Council has supported the LGBTIQA+ community for many years, including conducting a needs assessment in 2018, and we undertake these actions to better recognise, represent and connect with members of this community in Monash,” Cr Little said.
“We want to ensure our services, programs and networks include and represent our LGBTIQA+ community.”
“The establishment of an LGBTIQA+ advisory committee will provide insight and information, and assist in the development of an action plan for Council to consider that has important input and advice from this community in Monash.”
Note: LGBTIQA+ represents lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer and asexual communities.
Media enquiries: Jo Robertson 0418 391 979 or email