Suburban Rail Loop update: Bogong Ave car park
Published on 04 November 2021
Monash Council remains committed to providing additional car parking spaces in the Glen Waverley Activity Centre.
Council is also committed to replacing any displaced car parking spaces that the Suburban Rail Loop Authority intends or is likely to acquire as part of its project. Council’s obligation for car parking remains at a total of 706 car spaces, which includes 432 replacement car spaces and 274 new car spaces.
In June, Council resolved that it would not be progressing with the detailed design of a mixed-use, multi-level car park at 31- 39 Montclair Avenue following notification by the Suburban Rail Loop Authority (SRLA) that the land there is likely to be required for stage one of the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) project. The Glen Waverley Activity Centre (GWAC) is the location earmarked for the SRL’s Glen Waverley station.
Given the notification by the SRLA, Council resolved that it was no longer feasible to continue with the detailed design of the proposed multi-deck car park in Montclair Avenue.
However, Council remained committed to delivering on its promise to provide additional car parking spaces in the GWAC and instructed officers to investigate alternative site options, including at the existing multi-level car park in Bogong Avenue. Council also resolved and wrote to the SRLA that it considers that the provision of the additional and replacement car parking in the Glen Waverley Activity Centre is a shared responsibility between the SRLA and Council.
Council completed a feasibility study for the Bogong Avenue site earlier this year, which analysed the ability of the existing building to be extended by strengthening the existing infrastructure. The analysis confirmed that the building can be extended and can accommodate approximately 370 additional car spaces.
The outcome of the officers’ investigations identified that due to this site’s location, availability and ability to extend, this car park is the preferred site to progress to design stage. The remaining 336 car spaces will need to be provided elsewhere in the GWAC and Council continues to work with the SRLA towards resolving this outcome.
Council has released a tender for a lead consultant to assemble a design team that will prepare the design.
Mayor Brian Little said it was important to continue to plan how these car spaces can be delivered given that Council is no longer able to deliver on its plans to place them at Montclair Avenue.
“While we understand that the Suburban Rail Loop is an exciting transport development for Melbourne and that Monash is a key location for three proposed stations, the SRLA’s decision meant Council needed to reassess its plans for this important activity centre,” Cr Little said.
“Our plan had been to remove kerbside car spaces from Kingsway and replace them in the Montclair car park to allow for widened footpaths for businesses and visitors to use.
“Developing the Bogong Avenue car park gets us part of the way to providing the additional car parking we need to realise this vision, albeit with the added unexpected imposition of having to accommodate a larger number of vehicles to replace those that will be displaced by the SRLA project.
“Glen Waverley is going to become and remain a busy place with construction associated with the SRLA and Council car parking projects, but we are determined to try and minimise any disruption for traders and the community in the Glen Waverley Activity Centre.”
The tender process is currently underway to appoint the lead consultant and a design team with a successful applicant to be announced by the end of January. In the first part of next year we expect that conceptual plans will be presented to Council for a decision on the preferred concept to take through to detailed design.
Media Contact: Jo Robertson 0418 391 979 or