Storm damage - City of Monash

Published on 20 February 2024

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Heavy storms in Melbourne on Tuesday 13 February caused power outages and significant damage in areas of Monash. We thank everyone for their patience, understanding and support of each other following this challenging and damaging weather event.

Ongoing clean up

Due to the near unprecedented nature of the storm in parts of Monash, the clean-up of fallen trees and branches may take until early April as our teams remove and mulch these. Please be patient with our teams as we do this. If you have reported that a cleanup or collection is needed, we’ll get to it. 

Free mulch collection at Monash Waste and Recycling Centre

As the cleanup of storm damage from 13 February continues, the mulch collection at our Monash Recycling and Waste Centre in Notting Hill continues to grow.

Bush mulch is great for your garden, so we’re inviting our residents to take some for your garden at home. We’ll also be putting it to good use by spreading it in our parks and gardens after we finish cleaning up the storm damage. Bring a trailer the Monash Recycling and Waste Centre, follow the signs and directions to the rear of the facility and the giant pile of mulch, and load it up.

Thank you to the State Emergency Services

Council thanks the SES for their incredible support in making our roads, footpaths, and properties safe in the days immediately after the storm. The SES team worked with Council staff and other emergency services agencies to respond to over 1,000 requests for help from the Monash community.

Below you can see a photo of the SES team with some of the collected trees and materials from the first few days of the cleanup efforts.

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Free disposal of storm related waste at Monash Recycling and Waste Centre

The Victorian Government is supporting Monash and other impacted councils to waive fees for storm waste disposal at Council facilities. Monash residents can visit our Monash Recycling and Waste Centre at 380 Ferntree Gully Road in Notting Hill and dispose of any waste that is on your property as a direct result of the storm.

This fee waiver is for storm related waste disposal only; standard fees will apply for all other waste disposal. 

Council's tree management

Damage from the storm had an impact on Monash’s street tree canopy, which helps to cool our neighbourhoods, minimise water runoff and create habitat for native wildlife.

Tree species planted today are chosen to fit within our streetscapes, reserves, and surrounding areas and are selected considering existing infrastructure - both above and below the ground. We undertake annual inspections and works to manage our street trees across Monash. If you would like to report an issue or concern about a street tree near your property, you can do so here.

Take care when cleaning your property

Before there was awareness of associated health risks, asbestos was commonly used in building materials between the 1940s and 1980s when insulation, pipe and water tank installation, wall and floor panelling, ceilings, and outdoor sheds. This is the time period when many houses in Monash were constructed.

The presence of asbestos in home building materials does not pose a health risk unless the material is broken, deteriorating, or disturbed in such a way that dust containing asbestos fibres is produced. If your property was constructed between the 1940s and 1980s and was damaged during the recent storms, it may have disturbed areas with asbestos.

Due to the significant health risks associated with asbestos, there are strict requirements for its removal and disposal. Read what to do to safely remove asbestos or call and ask to speak with our Public Health Unit if you have any questions or concerns: 9518 3555. 

Victorian Government emergency relief payments

Emergency relief payments are available from the Victorian Government for eligible community members whose homes have been damaged by the storms. Information about these payments and eligibility criteria is available on the Emergency Victoria website, you can also call the Vic Recovery Hotline on 1800 560 760 (press 9 for an interpreter). 

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