Statement by Mayor Stuart James regarding changes to outdoor dining

Published on 08 April 2022


Council has provided significant support to business in Monash during the pandemic.

Council waived all footpath trading fees for the last two financial years and waived 10% of rates in 2020/21 to support traders.

Council extended permits to allow outdoor dining in on-street parking areas in September 2021 as further COVID restrictions were in place - free of charge until June 2022 - but also flagged to traders that the permits would most likely not be further extended once restrictions eased.

As this has occurred, and indoor dining has returned, Council has resolved to not extend the permits and to return this public land to the community.

Council must balance the use of these precincts against the need for car parking spaces to be available again.

Traders who do not have food businesses are crying out for parking to be returned.

Since government funding for these trading areas ceased in June 2021 ratepayers have carried the cost of these precincts remaining, at a cost of around $15,000 a month.

Council advised traders in a personal letter of this change and of our intent to discontinue permits for the structures from 30 June 2022 given the costs incurred to ratepayers, the lack of usage and the increasing demand for parking.

There still remains an option for traders to apply through Council’s footpath trading policy to have a permit for an outdoor dining structure.

All applications will be considered on their merits.