Setting targets for excellent customer service

Published on 13 December 2013

Monash Council is introducing a Customer Service Guarantee, reinforcing its renewed focus on customer service.

Mayor Geoff Lake said the guarantee included 40 specific targets for services across the organisation, ranging from how promptly phone calls would be answered to how many metres of footpath would be upgraded each year.

Cr Lake said all of the targets were achievable, with many being service standards the Council already had in place.

"We want to send a clear message to our community about the high level of service they can expect from us," Cr Lake said.

"We want our community to hold us accountable to these targets. When we fail to meet a target, we will let the community know what action we will take to fix our performance."

Cr Lake said Monash Council prided itself on having the lowest rates of all Melbourne councils but also wanted to be a leader in local government customer service.

"Monash consistently rates highly in statewide surveys in which residents give their opinions of their council’s performance," he said. "However, our residents have identified that customer service is one thing we could do better."

"Over the past year, we have made major improvements including establishing a dedicated Customer Service team. Our Customer Service team is now the first point of contact for residents with requests and questions, and they help residents navigate our large organisation to get the help they need."

Monash Council Chief Executive Andi Diamond introduced a similar guarantee at Yarra Council when she was its CEO.

She said the guarantee would help ensure a consistently high level of service was provided.

"The guarantee means residents and staff will be on the same page about what timelines and service standards our residents can expect," Dr Diamond said.

"Each quarter, we’ll produce a report card on our performance against each of the targets and publish that report card on our website," she said. “We will be open about any areas that need improvement.”

The first quarterly report on Council's performance will cover the January-March 2014 period.

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