Cost of meals before Council meetings
Published on 18 June 2024
Approach from Herald Sun
We've been told the City of Monash employs a chef or catering company, and pays them $3,000 per meal/meeting with the councillors. Just wondering if this was correct, and if I can please grab a response to the questions below.
- How much does the City of Monash pay for catering/food services for councillors?
- What does it include? (Ie. is it usually just main meals, is alcohol supplied?)
- How many people/councillors are catered for at these meetings?
- How many of these meetings would there be in a year?
- Why does the council feed their councillors?
Important note: the $3,000 figure is not correct, more information below.
How much does the City of Monash pay for catering/food services for councillors?
Between approximately $800 and $1100 per meeting, dependent on attendance and caterer. This works out to about $37-$50 a head depending on the caterer used.
What does it include? (Ie. is it usually just main meals, is alcohol supplied?)
Main meal and dessert. Alcohol is not supplied during these meals. Occasionally some Councillors may choose to stay back and have a chat and drink after the formal monthly meeting. No alcohol is served prior to a Council meeting.
How many people/councillors are catered for at these meetings?
Between 15 and 20 people generally.
How many of these meetings would there be in a year?
Approximately 34.
Why does the council feed their councillors?
Council meetings are held at night, and most Councillors work during the day and come straight from their day job to the meeting. Councillors are expected to attend for several hours, including over dinner time.
Issued: 18 June
To: Herald Sun
Quoting: CEO Dr Andi Diamond