Media response - vacant properties
Published on 03 July 2023
Approach from Herald Sun:
I'm working on a story for next week looking at abandoned sites across Melbourne. Could I please ask you for some information on two sites in Monash?
- Bellenden Apartments site in Wheelers Hill 820-830 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill
- Former Lifestyle Fitness gym 855 Ferntree Gully Rd, Wheelers Hill
- Could I please ask if the council has any updated info on what is happening at these sites?
- Can it say if there are any current planning permits for the sites?
- Has council taken any action against the owners of either site due to the fact the buildings on the site are in poor condition?
- Would it like to see the sites reactivated?
- Is it aware of vandalism/unsavoury behaviour at the sites?
Council works closely with both property owners to ensure the sites are secured appropriately, have security where required, are maintained including regular grass mowing, and a graffiti removal regime is in place. We are fed up with the inaction on these sites and as with all vacant properties in Monash, we would prefer to see appropriate development on these sites.
Background information:
Bellenden Apartments site in Wheelers Hill - 820-830 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill
820-830 Ferntree Gully Road (TPA/43406) allowed for the construction of a 4-storey apartment building and 3 4-storey attached townhouses. The permit is still valid to complete the development.
The site encompasses a range of dwellings, including both fully completed and occupied ones, as well as those currently undergoing construction. However, all construction activity has currently ceased as the property is now under the control of receivers.
Currently the non-occupied areas are fully fenced off and a security guard is onsite during working hours with roaming security guard after hours.
Former Lifestyle Fitness gym - 855 Ferntree Gully Rd, Wheelers Hill
There are no current planning permits on the site.
The property has a temporary builder’s fence to prevent access by vehicles, and the building has been made secure with hoarding to prevent trespasses. This has been the result of liaising with residents and the owner about trespassing and vandalism on the site.
We will continue to monitor the situation and if we become aware that the building can be accessed, we will take the appropriate action to re-secure the building.
Issued: 30 June 2023
To: Herald Sun
Quoting: Cr Tina Samardzija