Media response - Wheelers Hill development site
Published on 26 September 2023
Approach from ABC Radio Melbourne
We had a listener get in touch about an issue in the Monash Council area. They are concerned that units at 820-830 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill have been sitting empty. Do you have any insight into what's happened at that site?
Planning permits issued for 820-830 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill allow for the construction of a four-storey apartment building and attached townhouses. This permit remains valid, however construction activity has ceased for some time and we understand that the property is under the control of receivers. This site, and the old gym site at 855 Ferntree Gully Road which had a permit that was not acted upon (and has since expired), are a blight on this part of Monash. We want to see development on these sites completed, or see them be put to better use than vacant derelict pieces of land.
These are examples of applications that would create increased housing opportunities, and had all the necessary approvals for that to happen but for other matters intervening - including developers not actioning planning permits. Council hopes that the Victorian Government takes circumstances like this into account when proposing changes to the planning decision making process, as there are many factors that affect the delivery of more housing.
Issued: 25 September 2023
To: ABC Radio Melbourne
Quoting: Cr Tina Samardzija