Rescue our Recycling Action Plan

Published on 07 March 2019

Recycling collection

The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) has launched an action plan Rescue Our Recycling which sets out five key actions each level of government should take to help solve our recycling crisis.

The plan identifies the need for stronger leadership and increased investment by governments, greater regulation of our recycling industry, plus more responsibility placed on businesses to generate less waste.

Following the sudden closure of SKM’s material recovery facilities two weeks ago, affected councils have urgently sought alternative destinations for their kerbside recycling, with landfill the option of last resort.

While Monash is not affected by the forced closure of SKM, we support this action by the MAV to address the recycling crisis.

The MAV is calling on the State Government to provide funding relief to cover councils’ costs incurred due to the SKM shutdown. More than $500 million of landfill levy income in the State’s Sustainability Fund provides the means to offer short-term support and drive meaningful system change for the longer term.

You can read more about the MAV Action Plan here: