Raise Your Hand to support Youth Mental Health

Published on 11 September 2018


“I feel anxious all the time and I don’t know why.”

“I can’t escape my negative thoughts.”

“I feel uncertain for my future”.

These are the heartbreaking words of Monash’s young people on a video they have written and co-produced with Monash Council, pleading for a headspace facility to be set up in Monash.

Visit Raise Your Hand for Monash Youth to watch the video.

Monash Mayor Paul Klisaris said he was overcome with emotion when he watched the video and heard the words of the group of young people, speaking out on behalf of others to represent those who often feel voiceless and alone as they struggle with mental health issues.

“We need to listen to what our young people are telling us and then we need to act, all of us collectively to help them,” Cr Klisaris said.

“We need to put aside any politics, any agendas and get this facility in Monash. I don’t know of anyone who could watch this video, see the raw truth of what our young people are telling us about their struggle and not feel impelled to do whatever they can to help.

“We cannot turn away from this. None of us. This is a time for our community, our politicians, our leaders to step forward and do what we can collectively to get this support for our young people.

“One young woman in the video says ‘We’re talking to you, the people who make the decisions’. Those of us who have the power to create this change, must use that power for our young people’s future.”

The Monash Young Persons Reference Group and Council have been advocating for a headspace facility in Monash for a number of years. Monash has more than 40,000 people aged between 10-24 years, and is home to Monash University, Holmesglen TAFE, 44 primary and 24 secondary schools.

“The nearest headspace facilities are in Knox, Dandenong, Bentleigh and Hawthorn, and it can take a young person on average 63 minutes on public transport to access a centre. That distance is a huge barrier to accessing help and for a large, growing community like Monash it’s just not good enough,” Cr Klisaris said.

Contact: Jo Robertson 0418 391 979 or email Joanne.Robertson@monash.vic.gov.au


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