New way to do business at Monash
Published on 16 September 2019
Faster permits for local businesses are here following the introduction of the Better Approval Process, cutting business permit processing times.
The project was introduced following a Victorian Government small business review highlighting that one of the significant hurdles for business success was the cost of the time taken to secure the relevant permits. As a result local Councils have reviewed and streamlined their existing processes.
A cross-council team at Monash Council has completed the review and designed and now implemented new systems and processes utilising technologies to provide a single online application form, and specialist customer service through a Business Application Officer (on 9518 3555) to assist you up front and throughout your permit process, to make it easier and faster.
The online self-assessment will give you a better understanding of the type of permits you may need from Council/other authorities and provides you with the opportunity to get our Business Application Officer to contact you to discuss your ideas and requirements in more detail.
This new process is specifically helpful where more than one permit is applicable. For example, a new café may require planning, building, health and footpath trading permits. These are all managed through different teams, and have varying legislation behind them. The new online single application form, and supporting in-house processes, coordinates the different parts to provide time and cost savings to business operators.
These new services will be of particular advantage to businesses who have not previously managed such applications.
This is just another way that Council is supporting local business and the provision of local jobs.
For more information: 9518 3555