Bin collection on Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 February will start from 5am due to the extreme heat forecast. Please put your bins out the night before. Thank you for your understanding.
Published on 05 June 2020
Congratulations to Mount Waverley Primary School for being named the 2020 ResourceSmart School of the Year.
The Park Lane school took out the top award for its work inspiring the local community to act on climate change and biodiversity conservation, as well as its onsite waste drop-offs for items like old mobile phones, the sale of student-grown produce and participation in conservation projects including Zoos Victoria’s Fighting Extinction program.
The awards were announced on Friday, 5 June – World Environment Day – in an online ceremony. The judges were impressed by how the school, which has around 800 students, embeds climate change action, biodiversity conservation and knowledge sharing in the curriculum – teaching students to care for the planet and demonstrating how this contributes to wellbeing.
The ResourceSmart Schools Program, managed by Sustainability Victoria, teaches students about the importance of sustainability.