Monash sensory playspace wins State award
Published on 29 June 2023
Notting Hill’s Westerfield Drive Sensory Playspace has taken top honours at the Parks and Leisure Australia 2023 Regional Awards of Excellence (Vic/Tas), winning the Playspace Award for playspaces under $500,000.
Upgraded in 2022, with support from the Victorian Government, this unique, inclusive playspace features innovative play elements – such as an 8-key Marimba, sound bouncers and sensory trails – designed to help children develop their sensory skills. As part of the development, Council worked with Notting Hill Neighbourhood House to free up 500m2 of public open space to increase the size of the playspace.
The upgrade to Westerfield Drive Playspace was identified as part of the Monash Playground and Playspace Strategy 2020. We’re currently refreshing this strategy, to develop a 10-year playspace upgrade program commencing 2025/26, and want to hear your feedback.
You can share your ideas on Shape Monash until 27 August 2023.