Monash releases affordable Housing Strategy for feedback
Published on 17 July 2023
Monash Council is seeking feedback on a draft Monash Affordable Housing Strategy and wants to hear from the community.
Monash Mayor, Cr Tina Samardzija, knows the importance of this issue.
“We know that rising house prices and rents, low wage growth, taxation settings and limited investment in social and affordable housing have contributed to a significant decline in housing affordability.
“This, combined with significant cost of living pressures has led to an increase in the number of people experiencing housing stress both in Monash, and across Australia.
“In response to this, we have developed a draft Affordable Housing Strategy that makes a clear case for acting for greater affordable housing provision in Monash.
“Our draft strategy does this by demonstrating the need for affordable housing, as well as the benefits of having more affordable housing to the community and the economy of Monash.
“We have identified 4 pillars through which Council can assist in increasing the supply of affordable housing in Monash: regulation, partnerships, investment, and advocacy, and outlined how we can work towards increasing the provision of affordable housing locally.
“Affordable housing and housing supply have been in the news of late, so we know there is strong community interest and appetite for all levels of government to do more.
“I look forward to hearing from our community on this draft strategy, feedback received will be reviewed and considered before the finalisation of the strategy later this year,” said Cr Samardzija.
Read the draft Monash Affordable Housing Strategy and supporting information at and provide feedback before 25 August 2023.