Monash Energy Efficiency Projects

Published on 31 March 2022

Monash efficiency upgrades

In February 2020, Monash Council committed to becoming carbon neutral, with a target of zero net corporate greenhouse gas emissions, by 2025.

A key action to achieving this target is to improve the energy efficiency of Council’s largest major buildings and key community facilities.

Over the next few months, we're upgrading heating and cooling and installing Solar PV in our major facilities, including:

  1. Monash Aquatic and Recreation Centre (MARC) – 200kW solar and upgrade heating and cooling plant, reducing emissions by 867 tonnes CO2e per annum.
  2. Oakleigh Recreation Centre (ORC) – upgrade pool heating, reducing emissions by 113 tonnes of CO2-e per annum
  3. Clayton Community Centre – 200Kw of solar, reducing emissions by 265 tonnes CO2-e per annum.
  4. Monash Operation Centre (MOC) - 80kW of Solar PV, reducing emissions by 107 tonnes of CO2-e per annum.

“Carbon dioxide equivalent” or “CO2e” is a term for describing different greenhouse gases in a common unit. For any quantity and type of greenhouse gas, CO2-e signifies the amount of carbon dioxide which would have the equivalent global warming impact.

Enquiries: Athavan Ravindran, Zero Net Carbon Program Lead, on 9518 3555.