Media response - Planning matter in Mount Waverley

Published on 07 March 2025

Approach from Daily Mail


We’re doing a story on a group of residents who have bandied together to attempt to stop a proposed twin building rooming house being built at 18 Windsor Avenue Mount Waverley.

  • Can we confirm the project is approved?
  • Is the council concerned about a rooming house in a residential area?
  • When does the council expect the project to start and be completed by?


Earlier this month, Council issued a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit for the use and development of land for two rooming houses at 18 Windsor Avenue, Mount Waverley.

The development has been designed in the form of two buildings, each containing eight bedrooms, and parking onsite. This is entirely consistent with what is allowed within the Monash Planning Scheme.

The Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit sets out what the permit will allow and what conditions the permit will be subject to if issued. This application remains within the timeframe for an appeal to review Council’s decision, and this should be done via the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). If there is no application for review lodged, a permit will be issued.

There is no current timeframe for construction.

Issued: 25 February

To: Daily Mail

Quoting: Mayor Paul Klisaris