Media Response 554 High St Rd Mt Waverley

Questions and responses

I was hoping you could please help me- I'm working on a story for Monash this week- it's regarding the old Syndal Swim School at 554 High St Rd Mt Waverley. (near the corner of High St Rd and Blackburn Rd)

We've heard it has been pulled down and I was wondering if council could tell us if it knew what was going to be built at the site?

There is a current application for a Retirement Village on the land, which is subject to a VCAT appeal. Council does not support the proposal, primarily due to excess height.

Has council approved any permits for a development there and if so can it please specify what will be built there?

Not in relation to new development on the site. In 2017 Council refused a permit at this site for a 4-8 storey mixed use development. VCAT upheld Council’s decision.

If it hasn't approved a permit, could you please let us know what type of development is allowed at this site?

The land is in a General Residential Zone 2. The zone encourages residential development and/or educational, recreational, religious, community and a limited range of other non-residential uses, where appropriate, that caters for community needs.

Issued: 19 June 2019
To: Monash Leader
Quoting: Mayor, Councillor Shane McCluskey