Media response - Surburban Rail Loop advocacy

Published on 04 July 2024

Approach from The Age

A statement was requested to support Council's recent submission on the precinct planning process.


The Suburban Rail Loop is a major transport project for Melbourne, and a potential game changer not only for how people travel to, from and around Monash, but also for our existing communities around these station locations.

The Victorian Government and the SRLA is also looking to create significantly greater density of housing and has powers as a planning authority to amend planning controls around the future stations to do this.  Our recent feedback to the Victorian Government reinforced Council’s support for the Suburban Rail Loop but continued our requests for detail about what community infrastructure is required to support this growth and how it will be funded.

It is not only crucial to get the planning for these areas right, but to ensure that community infrastructure is provided and funded without relying on existing communities. Council will continue to pursue clarity on community infrastructure and funding from the SRLA and the Victorian Government.

Issued: 3 July

ToThe Age

Quoting: Mayor Cr Nicky Luo