Media Response - Parking fine letter

Published on 01 February 2023

Parking Inspector Issuing An Infringement Notice.jpg

Query from regarding a parking fine letter circulating on Twitter.


This letter was sent by one of our officers to a member of the public who had disputed a parking infringement and gave several legal arguments that our officer explained do not apply in this matter. Our officer took a factual, legal approach in his responses as he is required to do when assessing applications for review under the relevant legislation, and the letter reflects his attempt to answer all the questions and propositions that were put to him as part of the appeal to the infringement that was received. 

The letter can be used as part of any future court proceeding that may arise if the infringement remains unpaid and accordingly the officer was comprehensive in his response.  He thoroughly explained the infringement that occurred, the methods of further action or payment and the law relating to Council’s legal right to lodge a parking infringement against someone.  Whilst Council understands that members of the community may find it amusing and may interpret that Council is making a statement with regard to people’s beliefs (which is not a matter for Council) this was certainly not the intention of the letter in response to the parking fine appeal where various legal assertions have simply been clarified.

Issued: 26 January


Quoting: CEO Dr Andi Diamond