IDAHOBIT event cancelled due to threats of violence

Published on 04 May 2023

Civic Centre Building

Monash Council’s Drag Storytime IDAHOBIT event has been cancelled after a briefing by Victoria Police advising of the risks to the safety of staff, attendees and Council facilities. In the interests of safety, the event will not proceed.

Monash CEO Dr Andi Diamond said the decision was made in consultation with Victoria Police following repeated threats of violence and intimidation against Councillors, families booked to attend the event, the performer and Council staff.

“This event has attracted significant attention with hateful and threatening commentary and misinformation spread online, via email and directly over the phone. It is incredibly disappointing to have to cancel an event designed to celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia but we were left with no choice after Victoria Police advised Council of the risks associated with holding the event.

“Councillors and staff have received messages that nobody should be expected to receive in their workplace, as have our LGBTIQA+ community. In recent days these threats have escalated to direct threats of violence involving the event itself.

“Our drag storytime event was designed to introduce children to diverse role models and encourage acceptance, love, and respect of our LGBTIQA+ community. It is so disappointing that some people have a long way to go before this is achieved.

“We understood this was not for everyone and scheduled it outside our regular library programs so that parents planning to bring their children were making a deliberate choice to attend. Unfortunately, some in the community were not willing to allow that choice. In the end we were unable to guarantee that we would be able to hold the event safely.

“I apologise to our LGBTIQA+ community for this outcome. I hope they understand we did not make this decision lightly and we share their disappointment; Council remains committed to delivering on the outcomes and goals of our recently endorsed LGBTIQA+ Action Plan,” said Dr Diamond.

For previous media statements on this matter, visit our website.

Media enquiries to Sean Ross, Manager Media and Communications: 0408 828 876 or

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