First sod turned in Atkinson Street car park upgrade
Published on 25 August 2016
Construction of the $7.5 million Atkinson Street multi-level car park was officially launched on Tuesday (23 August) with the turning of the first sod by Monash Mayor Geoff Lake.
Oakleigh Ward Councillors Nga Hosking, Bill Pontikis and Theo Zographos along with Mulgrave Ward Councillor Robert Davies also joined in to turn the first sod.
Parking has been an issue in Oakleigh and this extension to the current car park in Atkinson Street will add two new levels of parking, boosting parking in this area by 195 spaces.
Oakleigh has a thriving dining and retail precinct and the food and atmosphere of the area draw people from all over Melbourne.
This car park extension will improve parking in and around the Oakleigh Activity Centre. The car park is expected to be completed by June 2017.
Some of the main features include:
- the addition of two decks of car parking
- a vehicle ramp to the upper levels adjacent to the Atkinson Street frontage
- decorative timber facades, feature lighting and landscaping to make it more attractive
- an aluminium and concrete façade set back on the northern side to address concerns from nearby residents about noise, overlooking and car headlight glare
- two lifts
- solar cells on the rooftop level to power internal lighting
- an electronic car counting system at the entries to the car park, indicating available spaces
- artwork on the concrete columns and some internal walls to deter graffiti and vandalism. Local students will help create this artwork
- landscaping, planting and footpath works; and
- a modified entry/exit to the car park to discourage people from driving down Palmerston Grove (in response to feedback from nearby residents)