Feedback sought on community spaces under elevated rail
Published on 15 December 2016
Monash Council has developed suggestions to put to the State Government, exploring what can be achieved in the open community spaces under the elevated rail being built in Monash’s south.
Mayor Rebecca Paterson said over the coming months, Council would be seeking community feedback on its suggestions.
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get these spaces right – to make them something our community can enjoy and be proud of,” Cr Paterson said.
“We’re looking forward to talking with local residents, particularly in Hughesdale and Clayton, about the suggestions we’ve developed. We’re keen to ensure there is strong community support for the final recommendations we end up making to the Government’s Community Open Space Expert Panel.”
In its draft Community Spaces Strategy Plan, Council is proposing intergenerational urban playspaces, informal sports areas, gardens, and station car parking. Council is strongly advocating for a shared cyclist/pedestrian path - which meets current standards of access and safety - along the full length of the linear corridor.
The government and the Level Crossing Removal Authority are expected to make decisions about the open space component of the Caulfied-Dandenong Elevated Rail project sometime next year.
Local residents can find out more and have their say on Council’s draft Community Spaces Strategy Plan by:
- Attending one of the information/feedback sessions:
* Saturday 4 February, 10.30am-12.30pm Galbally Reserve, Hughesdale
* Thursday 9 February, 6.30pm-8pm Clayton Library (Cooke St)
* Sunday 12 February, midday-6pm
Council stall at Clayton Street Festival (Clayton Rd)
- Contacting Terry Tillotson, Principal Transport Engineer – LXRA Project on 9518 3439.
Media Contact: Jo Robertson 0418 391 979 or email