Feedback invited on Victorian Government draft structure plans

Published on 06 March 2025

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The Victorian Government’s Suburban Rail Loop Authority (SRLA) have released updated draft structure plans, implementation plans, and technical reports for community consultation. These will drive crucial decisions around new Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) stations, in Monash this includes Clayton, Glen Waverley and Monash.  

The plans and documents have been informed by earlier community consultation, including submissions by Monash Council and other councils impacted by the future SRL. 

The SRL has the potential to be a gamechanger for Monash’s transport connection to the rest of Melbourne. While this transformational project has the support of Council, we have previously expressed reservations about the provision of planning powers to the SRLA, the size and intensity of development and impacts on existing neighbourhoods. 

You can read the documents and provide feedback on the Victorian Government’s Big Build website from March 17 to April 22. It is important to provide your feedback directly to the Victorian Government rather than to Council as the SRL is their project. 

Monash Council will consider the plans and reports for Clayton, Glen Waverley and Monash, as well as Burwood in nearby Whitehorse, before making a submission. Once finalised, our submission will be available on our Shape Monash community engagement platform

We also encourage members of the Monash community to share their views before April 22 as local input into this transformational project is crucial.  


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