Disappointment in Waverley Park powerlines outcome
Published on 15 November 2016
Monash Council has expressed disappointment with the State Government’s decision to allow developer Mirvac to keep contentious high-voltage powerlines above ground at the Waverley Park estate.
The Planning Minister Richard Wynne yesterday advised Council that he had granted an amendment to the 2002 planning permit to allow the powerlines to stay above ground.
Monash Mayor Rebecca Paterson said it was a bitter pill for Waverley Park residents to swallow in the long-running dispute.
“This is a frustrating and heartbreaking decision for Waverley Park residents who have fought for many years to have Mirvac meet its original obligations to put the powerlines underground,” Cr Paterson said.
“We’re also disappointed with the time taken by successive governments to reach this decision, leaving residents in a state of limbo for many years,” she said.
As part of the Minister’s decision, it is proposed that Mirvac will provide $6.5 million to upgrade community facilities in Waverley Park, including a community facility within the Waverley Park Stadium, improvements to the wetlands corridor and upgrades to several existing parks/open spaces in the estate. Council will consult with the Waverley Park community as part of the overall approval process for the proposed upgrades to ensure the community has input into the final designs.
“As we have for many years, we will continue to support Waverley Park residents and will continue to work with them to make their estate as liveable and welcoming as possible.”
Media Contact: Jo Robertson 0418 391 979 or email Joanne.Robertson@monash.vic.gov.au