Disappointing decision on Waverley Park powerlines
Published on 17 December 2015
Monash Council is disappointed that developer Mirvac will be allowed to keep Waverley Park’s high-voltage powerlines above ground.
The 2002 planning permit for the site - issued by the State Government to Mirvac - required the developer to put the powerlines underground.
However, a planning advisory committee which considered the matter earlier this year has concluded that it would be unreasonable to require Mirvac to meet its commitment, given the estimated $35 million-plus costs. The State Government has accepted the committee’s report and recommendations.
Monash Mayor Stefanie Perri said Council was disappointed for Waverley Park residents, who had spent years trying to get Mirvac to uphold its end of the bargain.
“Many Waverley Park residents bought their properties on the basis the powerlines would be put underground so they absolutely have the right to feel let down by Mirvac,” Cr Perri said.
“I wish the outcome could have been different. At the same time, I appreciate that if the Planning Minister had ignored the recommendations of the independent committee, his decision would have been open to legal challenge by Mirvac.
“We are pleased that the Government has decided that the compensation measures included in the ‘community benefits’ package need to be expanded.”
She said Council would convene a meeting with the Waverley Park Residents Action Group early in the New Year, to see whether the group would like Council to take up any further issues with Mirvac or the Government.
“We’ve been standing side by side with Waverley Park residents for years and we’ll continue to work closely with them to make their estate as liveable and attractive as possible,” she said.
Media Contact: Jo Robertson 0418 391 979 or email Joanne.Robertson@monash.vic.gov.au