Council spaces now free of gambling advertising and sponsorship

Published on 07 September 2023

Gambling machines

New gambling harm reduction measures by Monash Council will ensure Council's community spaces are free from gambling advertising or sponsorship. 

The measures support Council spaces as places for community, where people can keep fit, learn new skills, or get to know each other; not advertising opportunities for gambling venues or products like poker machines and sports betting. 

These include sporting pavilions, club rooms and recreation centres, as well as traditional Council spaces like offices, libraries, early years and maternal child and health centres and neighbourhood houses.

The measures also look to impact on the latest gambling data which shows $122.5 million was taken by electronic gaming machines (EGMs) in Monash during the 2022/2023 financial year. This is the largest amount taken in Monash since 2008/2009 and means the total taken per day by EGMs is around $335,600. 

Monash Mayor, Cr Tina Samardzija said Council is working with the community to raise awareness of the new measures which seek to reduce the harm caused by gambling in Monash. 

“Monash remains among the top 10 local government areas in Victoria on electronic gambling machines losses,” said Cr Samardzija.  

“Ensuring our community spaces are free from gambling advertising or sponsorship is part of our broader Public Health Approach to Gambling Harm Policy which looks to build community awareness and reduce the harms caused by gambling in Monash,” said Cr Samardzija. 

Monash Council has a strong history of leading and advocating for gambling harm prevention and is a founding member of the Alliance for Gambling Reform with Council partnering with the Alliance on key advocacy campaigns.

One-off grants are available to Monash sporting clubs to help transition from fundraising and sponsorship arrangements with EGM venues and gambling companies and to help implement gambling harm reduction measures. Clubs can email for more information and to apply.

Gambling Harm Awareness Week runs from 16 –22 October, learn more about how you can get involved at  


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