Conserving our bushland reserves

Published on 26 February 2020

Valley Reserve - Creek

Valley Reserve and Damper Creek Reserve have been designated conservation reserves by Monash Council in recognition of their unique standing as highly valued remnant vegetation areas.

The designation formally recognises the areas as a significant example of relatively undisturbed native bushland in Monash.

Under the designation, the reserves will be renamed Valley Conservation Reserve and Damper Creek Conservation Reserve.

Mayor Stuart James said both reserves permitted a glimpse back into what the local environment looked like prior to European settlement.

Cr James paid tribute to the work of the Friends of Scotchmans Creek & Valley Reserve and the Friends of Damper Creek for their efforts in preserving these two critically important native reserves in Monash.

“The reserves have been preserved, restored and maintained by dedicated Friends groups and by Council staff, particularly our bushland crew, in a great example of Council and the community working together,” Cr James said.

“Some of the remnant vegetation in this area has been identified as vulnerable and it is therefore even more important that this designation of these areas as conservation reserves was undertaken by Council. We appreciate the request by the Friends group for this step to be taken.”

The designation also requires Council to draw up a statement of purpose and long term vision for each reserve, and a management plan identifying the conservation of native flora and fauna as a primary purpose of the plan.


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