Compulsory de-sexing of cats

Published on 18 November 2014

In accordance with section 10A of the Domestic Animals Act 1994 (the Act), Monash City Council (the Council) resolved on 30 September 2014 that, as of 1 January 2015, the Council will not register a cat unless:

  • it is de-sexed; or
  • it is exempted under the Act from any requirement to be de-sexed.

This means that from 1 January 2015, cats being registered for the first time in Monash need to be de-sexed. People who are ineligible to register their cat because the cat is not de-sexed will face a $295 fine for failing to register their cat. Exemptions would apply, for example if a vet provided advice that de-sexing would harm the health of a cat or if a cat was being kept for registered breeding purposes.

Compulsory cat de-sexing is supported by the RSPCA as it helps decrease the number of unwanted cats being born. Prior to introducing this new regulation, Council consulted with Monash residents to see whether they supported compulsory cat de-sexing. About 79% of the Monash residents who participated in the survey said they supported compulsory cat de-sexing.

For more information, visit Animal Registration or call 9518 3449.

Dr Andi Diamond
Chief Executive Officer

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