Protect yourself and your family from mosquito-borne disease

Published on 22 March 2022

Beat the Bite graphic
Mosquitos can carry diseases like Japanese Encephalitis, which can make you really ill.

If you’re spending time in the great outdoors – particularly in northern Victoria and the Murray region, protect yourself from mosquitoes and the diseases they may carry.

The best way to protect yourself and your family is to avoid being bitten by mozzies.

  • Mozzies can bite through tight clothing. Cover up - wear long, loose-fitting clothes.
  • Use repellents that contain picaridin or DEET on all exposed skin.
  • Use mosquito nets or insect screens.
  • Use ’knockdown’ fly spray, mosquito coils or plug-in repellent where you gather to sit or eat.
  • If mosquito numbers are high, limit activity outdoors and move indoors if possible.
  • Remove mozzie breeding sites like stagnant water around your accommodation or property.

Tip – citronella candles aren’t effective enough! Mozzie repellents are your best defence against mosquito bites.

If you have been in contact with mosquitoes and develop a sudden high fever and headache in the following days and weeks, see your doctor. If you have more serious symptoms like disorientation or a seizure - urgently seek medical attention.