Public Interest Disclosures

The Council supports the strengthening of the integrity of the Victorian public sector and the promotion of community confidence in public sector accountability.

The Council takes seriously its responsibilities to those persons who may make a disclosure about improper conduct. It has established these procedures to ensure the confidentiality of the identity of the person making the disclosure and their welfare, are protected.

The main objective of the Act is to encourage and facilitate the making of disclosures of improper conduct by public officers and public bodies and establish a system for matters to be investigated.

The Act provides protection from detrimental action to any person affected by a public interest disclosure whether it is a person who makes a disclosure, a witness, or a person who is the subject of an investigation.

Disclosures Procedures

The Council has developed procedures to assess and manage any disclosures received regarding Council officers or employees.

Public Interest Disclosures Procedures(PDF, 356KB)

The procedures also provide for the protection of the person making a disclosure.

Enquiries regarding public interest disclosures can be made to the Governance team, phone 9518 3509.