Payment in full (lump sum) is now overdue. Please make payment by 17 March 2025 to avoid penalties.
The Cultural and Recreational Land Act 1963 (CRLA) requires that Council undertakes a separate process for the purpose of setting an applicable Charge ‘in lieu of Rates’ for eligible properties. The purpose of this policy is to set parameters for setting the CRLA charge.
If land is ‘recreational lands’ within the meaning of the CRLA, rates under the Local Government Act 1989 are not levied. Instead, charges are payable to Council that Council thinks ‘reasonable'.
Each year as part of its planning and budget-setting process, Council considers the services utilised by each property occupier and the benefit their land provides to the community.
Cultural and Recreational Land Act Policy - June 2018(PDF, 178KB)
More information is available under Item 3.1 (Agenda/Minutes) to the Council Meeting held on 26 June 2018.