Local Law No 2 - Administrative Procedures

(Use of Common Seal)

The objectives of this local law are to provide how the common seal is to be applied, who may authorise its use and who can witness its use.

Monash Council resolved at its January 2016 meeting to make Local Law No.2 – Administrative Procedures (Use of the Common Seal).

The overall purpose of this Local Law is to regulate and control the use of Council’s Common Seal and to revoke the existing local law of the same name. Council adopted the updated local law at its 26 April 2016 meeting.

This Local Law is available here:

Local Law No 2 (Use of Common Seal)(PDF, 226KB)

The general purpose of this Local Law is as follows:

When the Common Seal may be used

The Common Seal may be used only on the authority of Council, and in accordance with this Local Law.

Provides who may authorise the use of the Common Seal

Where Council authorises the use of the Common Seal, the affixing of the Common Seal to any document must be witnessed by no less than two people comprised of:

  1. Councillors; or
  2. The Chief Executive Officer;
  3. A senior officer occupying the position of Chief Financial Officer, Director Corporate Services, or Executive Manager Corporate Administration and Customer Service;
  4. Or any combination of the persons referred to in clauses 1, 2, or 3 except that no more than one of the persons described in clause 3 may witness the affixing of the Common Seal to a document.

Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer

Delegates the power to the Chief Executive Officer to authorise the use of the Common Seal in certain circumstances.


Provides for the establishment of offences against the Local Law and the application of penalties.

Repeal and Revocation of existing Local Law

Provides for the repeal and revocation of the existing Local Law of the same name, adopted in 2006.

Contact person

For more information, please contact Coordinator Governance on 9518 3514 or governance@monash.vic.gov.au